Working from home brings a whole host of challenges Last week we talked about how to be productive when you’re working at home. This week, we’re talking about how to stop working when your desk is there calling to you all day and night. Everyone is different but again, here’s what works for me.
First, set some time boundaries. I have a general rule that I won’t work after 6 unless absolutely necessary or I took the day off for some reason (maybe family was visiting back when that happened and I had to do my invoicing after dinner with them for example). Also I’m writing this at 7:30 but writing is different for me as well. I try to get as much done in the main work time of the day so that I have some time to unwind before going to bed. If something is nagging at me, I’ll either make a note of it (email myself or text myself so I have it tomorrow) or, if I know I won’t sleep without doing it, get it done. For me the timing rule doesn’t have to be strict. But it’s a good trigger to remind me that the work day is over. Before I got in the groove, I had a reminder on my phone.
If you’re struggling with over working because your work is right there, try setting some timers or track your time like you’re clocking in and clocking out. If you’re hitting 40 hours on Wednesday, you might need to revisit some things. Or take Thursday and Friday off! If you have the kind of job that lets you do that. Make sure you have a good idea of how much you’re actually working. Without anything marking our weeks right now, it’s easy for the days to blur together.
Have an “I’m done with work” trigger. For me, it’s closing my computer and getting a drink. It doesn’t have to be alcohol, sometimes it’s just seltzer in a nice glass with some fruit. When that happens, my brain understands that we’re not working anymore.
Finally, don’t forget to eat! And drink some water. It’s very easy to forget how hard you’re working if you’re sitting in your PJs with your laptop on your couch. It’s still work though. Take breaks, stretch a little. You can’t work all day every day. Aside from it being stressful and bad for you, your work will suffer too.
How do you keep your work from home being all consuming?