Make Change

We’ve all heard the phrase: Be the change you wish to see in the world. It might be a little cheesy. It’s certainly an easier thing to say but it’s a harder thing to do. Plus it leaves so many things open. Is the change helping one person at a time? Is it helping to get laws passed that support your beliefs? Is it just living a life you can be proud of? Helping where you can, and doing as little harm as possible.

For me, being the change is getting involved. It’s important to me to know what my community needs. What it has and likes, and what it would like to see change. There’s really only one way to do this, and that’s to talk to people. Participating in local government is great. I’ve already applied for a commission here and may look into others once I’ve got my feet underneath me. One of the things I like about being in a smaller place like Florence is that I can make real change. I can really get to know the people working in local government as well as many of our residents. But it’s big enough to have the infrastructure to support change. Plus check out this downtown!

Downtown Florence, click the pic to see more about the photographer

Downtown Florence, click the pic to see more about the photographer

I’m excited to live in a smaller community, to lose some of the anonymity that comes with a big city. What a good time!